Living Pain Free |
Acupuncture is an amazing tool for addressing both acute and chronic pain. Many people find they are able to dramatically reduce or eliminate pain medication after a short series of treatments.
Find relief from: acute injuries . athletic injuries . frozen shoulder . shoulder pain . low back pain . knee pain . carpal tunnel . wrist pain . tennis elbow . elbow pain . arthritis . fibromyalgia . sciatica . hip pain . painful periods and more |
*Acupuncture is a covered service under Personal Injury Protection (PIP) claims. If you have been in a Motor vehicle accident, call with claim information and start healing your physical pain and emotional trauma today.
Emotional Health |
Feeling overwhelmed with work? Stressed about finances? Relationship difficulties? Does anxiety prevent you from participating in your life in the way you would like? Acupuncture is extremely effective in reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing a sense of purpose and connection. I have experience working with both lifelong and situational depressive disorders, anxiety, panic disorders, chronic stress, trauma and PTSD. Learn more about my approach to trauma care here. |
As a former social worker, I am passionate about supporting human service providers who may be struggling
with burnout and secondary trauma rediscover peace and purpose in their work. Discounts are available for direct service workers. Contact me directly to find out more.
with burnout and secondary trauma rediscover peace and purpose in their work. Discounts are available for direct service workers. Contact me directly to find out more.
Digestive Distress
If you suffer from digestive distress, you know how hard it can be to get to the root of the issue. Food is a necessary part of our daily lives, and one that ideally brings joy, connection, and nourishment. Our digestive health is inextricably linked to our mental and emotional health, so digestive imbalances inevitably impact all aspects of our lives. I have found that a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine and simple lifestyle changes can make a huge impact on relieving and resolving many digestive discomforts: from daily gas and bloating, acid reflux, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, to chronic conditions such as Celiac disease, Crohn's, IBS and IBD.
With my integrative and holistic approach to digestive health, we will work together to provide you with immediate relief from symptoms while simultaneously uncovering and healing the root causes of your digestive imbalances.
Women's Health |
From adolescence to post menopause, women have a unique set of health care needs. I am passionate about women's health and have seen acupuncture make profound changes with: irregular or painful periods
(I suffered from this for years before finding Chinese medicine), pre and post menopausal symptoms, fertility, and postpartum care, as well as the emotional and spiritual concerns that arise during these times of transition. If you are woman struggling with any of these issues, come on in and see what Chinese medicine can do for you. |